Friday, January 22, 2010

Hannah's Latest Checkup

Hannah had a check up with her cardiologist this past Tuesday. Her doctor was happy with her progress and overall health. He is concerned with the lack of growth in her pulmonary arteries (routes blood from heart to lungs). So far they are not developing as he had hoped. He expects that within a year Hannah will need an angioplasty to stretch the arteries. This would not be open heart. It is done through the leg and requires no stitches. The hospital stay may be as little as one night. The arteries are undersized due to her original heart defect. Hannah's next appointment with the cardiologist is in July. She will have another echocardiogram at that time to determine if the arteries are still undersized and if so we will proceed with the angioplasty. Please keep her and us in your prayers. We hope and pray that the arteries will start growing and be normal by her next visit. We would love to avoid this surgery if possible, but are prepared to undertake it if necessary. Jeff, Amanda and Hannah