Friday, July 17, 2009

Good News and Not So Good News

Good News
We took Hannah to the cardiologist for her 8 week post-op visit on July 7. We can't believe that it has already been 2 months! Dr. Doyle says that Hannah is right where he would expect her to be and he is pleased with her progress so far. Praise God! She does not have to go back to the cardiologist until January 2010!
Not So Good News
Since Hannah had the urinary tract infection the doctors were concerned and wanted to do a VCUG. I have no idea what that stands for so don't ask! They put dye into Hannah's bladder through a catheter and watched her pee it out under an x-ray machine. It was pretty cool to watch! They discovered that Hannah has level one ureter reflux...which means that she is refluxing urine back up into her ureters. This condition has nothing to do with the tetralogy of Fallot. It is common and should resolve itself with time. If it does not, then surgery will be the only option. She will have to take a low dose antibiotic until the condition is gone.
Other than that...all is good here in Hardin County! Jeff got the pool open and we are enjoying swimming as much as possible. Hannah loves to swim, but she loves to sleep in her float more! Too cute! Hannah rolled over from her tummy to her back on Saturday! She is now 5 months old and I am so sad! She is growing up way too fast!!!
We are planning a visit to east Tennessee soon!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Hannah's 4 month check-up

Hannah went to the pediatrician on Wednesday, July 1. She was actually 4 months and 2 weeks, but we had to wait until she had been out of the hospital for a few weeks before she could get her scheduled immunizations. She weighed 14 lbs. and 4 ounces - 50th percentile and she was 25 and 3/4 inches long - 90th percentile! I think she is going to be tall and skinny like her daddy! She is growing well and her overall health is great! We go to the cardiologist for a check-up on July 7 so I will blog again then!
Hannah is very happy and smiling! She is eating cereal, applesauce and bananas! We are very excited to have our baby back!
Thanks so much for all of the prayers that went up for Hannah. We truly appreciate each and every one!